SC Restock Recommendation Report

How To Get Here?

  • From the Main-Menu
    • Inventory –> SC Restock Recommendations

What is it for?

  • Gives you recommendations regarding restocking of your product
  • The recommendations include
    • Products to restock
    • Replenishment quantities
    • Ship by date
  • Keeping track of your inventory levels
  • Avoiding out-of-stock/overstock

Hints And Tips!

  • You can customize restocking recommendations on SC.
  • You can configure inputs such as lead time on SC.
  • This report is directly taken from Amazon. No changes are made to it whatsoever.
  • We are mirroring the Amazon report “_GET_RESTOCK_INVENTORY_RECOMMENDATIONS_REPORT_”

Screen Print



  • Product Image
    • A small image of the product
    • Clicking on the image will take you to the Product Modal for that product, which in turn will take you to the Product Dashboard or Inventory or Product Statistics screens for the product)
  • Product Title (column hidden by default)
    • The product listing title
  •  Account Title
    • Name of the Sellerlegend account this product belongs to
  • Market Place
    • The marketplace the product belongs to
    • If the same product exists in more than one marketplace, then it will be repeated on a distinct row for each distinct marketplace
  •  SKU (column hidden by default)
    • The Stock Keeping Unit number for the product
  • FNSKU (column hidden by default)
    • The Fulfilment Network SKU for the product
  • ASIN
    • The ASIN of the product
    • Clicking on the ASIN will take you to your product’s listing on the Amazon catalog
    • SellerLegend uses the short URL version of your ASIN to take you to the product listing.
    • Clicking on the ASIN, therefore, does not adversely impact your conversion rates.
  • Parent ASIN (column hidden by default)
    • The Parent ASIN number to which this product belongs to
      • Filtering by Parent ASIN will show all the variations/children of the product
  • Is Parent
    • Whether this Product is a parent ASIN
  • Brand (column hidden by default)
    • The brand of the product
  • Tags
    • Any Tags you have assigned to the product
    • Using the Filters or the Omni-Search bar, allows you to quickly view all the products featuring the same Tag(s)
    • Learn how to Assign Tags To Products
  • Alert
    • Shows the current status of the inventory, for example, Low stock, out of stock, etc
  • Recommended Replenishment Qty
    • The recommended quantity is to be sent to Amazon fulfillment centers.
  • Recommended Ship Date
    • The recommended date for the inventory to be shipped
  • Current Mo Threshold Published
    • Indicates whether the FNSKU has an inventory level threshold published.
    • Published only for products with limited restock.
  • Current Mo Low Threshold
  • Current Mo Min Threshold
  • Current Mo Max Threshold
  • Current Mo High Threshold
  • Next Mo Threshold Published
  • Next Mo Low Threshold
  • Next Mo Min Threshold
  • Next Mo Max Threshold
  • Next Mo High Threshold
  • Utilization
    • It represents your current inventory at Amazon
    • It counts against your maximum inventory level and helps determine your maximum shipment quantity
    • It includes incoming shipments, inventory pending removals, and your reserved inventory.
  • Max Shipment Qty
    • Limit set by Amazon for the maximum number of items that can be shipped for a product for a particular storage type
  • Total Units
    • Show the total sum of units that are available, shipped, and reserved for fulfillment center transfer.
  • Inbound
    • The number of units that you have for an SKU in a shipment about which you have notified Amazon, for which you have provided a tracking number, or that has arrived at a fulfillment center for processing.
  • Available
    • The number of units you have for an SKU in fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped
  • FC Transfer
    • These units are being transferred from one fulfillment center to another to place the inventory closer to customers.
    • Units in FC Transfer status are available for customers to buy.
    • Customers may be shown a future ship date if no other units are available for immediate fulfillment.
    • Transfers typically take 1-5 days to complete, but in some cases may take up to 30 days.
  • FC Processing
    • These units have been sidelined at the Fulfillment Center for additional processing, such as verification of item dimensions and weight, or pending investigations.
    • Note: When inventory is being processed for transfer to another fulfillment center, those units may show up under both FC Transfer and FC Processing for a short amount of time
  • Customer Order
    • These units are being used to fulfill customer orders.
  • Unfulfillable
    • Number of units that are unfulfillable
  • Days of Supply
    • Days of inventory left
  • Updated At
    • The date of the update of the inventory
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