How To Use Seller Legend API?

Seller legend now allows its users to get the data programmatically through our latest API allowing our users to incorporate SL data with their applications. 

What is it for?

  • API (Application Programming Interface) allows two applications to communicate.
  • SL’s API will allow your application to communicate with SL.
  • Your application will be able to download data from SL and use it in your application as per your requirements

Steps for setting up the API connection

  • STEP 1: Register Client on SellerLegend
  • STEP 2: Redirecting For Authorization
    • SellerLegend API works on oAuth2.0  authorization pattern, 
    • The consuming application is supposed to request an authorization code from SellerLegend. 
    • The consuming application should make a redirect request to SellerLegend
    • The redirect request is to be made on 
    • Use the client ID and secret generated and the redirect_uri provided at step 1.
    • Please refer to the screenshot below:

  • STEP 3: Approving The Request
    • When the SL application receives these authorization requests, it automatically displays a template to the user allowing them to approve or deny the authorization request.

    • If you approve the request, you will be redirected back to the redirect_url that was specified by the client application. 
    • The redirect_url must match the redirect URL that was specified when the client was created.
  • STEP 4: Converting Authorization Codes To Access Tokens
    • If the user approves the authorization request, they will be redirected back to the consuming application. 
    • The consumer should first verify the state parameter against the value that was stored prior to the redirect. 
    • If the state parameter matches then the consumer should issue a POST request to SellerLegend to request an access token. 
    • The request should include the authorization code that was issued by SellerLegend when the user approved the authorization request.

    • This /OAuth/token route will return a JSON response containing access_token, refresh_token, and expires_in attributes. The expires_in attribute contains the number of seconds until the access token expires.
      • Auth-code expires in 10 minutes and is valid for one-time use
      • Access-token expires in 15 days and/or with the creation of a new one
      • Refresh-token expires in 30 days and/or with the creation of a new one

What to do next?

Here are some tips after you have completed setting up the connection.

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