The Product List Screen

How To Get Here?

  • From the Menu
    • Products–> Products List

What is it for?

  • To see all your products at a  glance, for all your marketplaces
  • The Products List is the gateway to edit and manage all of your products
  • It is also where you enter the Cost Of Goods (COGS) for your products
  • To locate products by a multitude of search filters, using the Filters button at the top left of the screen

Hints And Tips!

  • The details of your Products List are retrieved from Amazon once every eight hours
  • You can see how long ago the products page was updated next to the page title
  • By default, the Products List is ordered by Marketplace, starting with the active products within the marketplace first, followed by the inactive products
  • If a product was hidden, it will not be shown on this screen until the product is un-hidden
  • Learn how to Hide or Unhide a Product

Screen Print


(*) denotes features not yet implemented at the time of writing

  • Actions Button
    • Click on the Actions button to reveal links to
      • Edit Product
      • Enter Cost Of Goods
      • Hide Product
      • Check Inventory
      • See Product Stats
      • Monthly Product Inventory Valuations
      • Product Dashboard
  • Product Image
    • A small image of the product
    • Clicking on the image will take you to the Product Dashboard for that product
  • Product Title
    • The Title of the product as it appears on your Amazon listing
  • Marketplace
    • The marketplace the product belongs to
    • If the same product exists in more than one marketplace, then it will be repeated on a distinct row per each marketplace
    • The marketplaces shown in the Products List screen is governed by the Marketplace Selector (the Amazon icon in the top right side of the taskbar)
  • ASIN
    • The ASIN of the product
    • Clicking on the ASIN will take you to your product’s listing on the Amazon catalog
    • SellerLegend uses the short URL version of your ASIN to take you to the product listing. Clicking on the ASIN, therefore, does not adversely impact your conversion rates.
  • SKU
    • The Stock Keeping Unit number of the product is defined in SellerCentral.
    • The Fulfilment Centre SKU of the product.
    • A unique identifier is assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.
  • Parent ASIN
    • The parent ASIN of the product.
  • Is Parent
    • The parent ASIN of the product.
  • Adult Product Flag
    • Shows if the product is from the Adult category
  • FBA Fees
    • The sum of all FBA fees (per order and per item fees).
    • This is the Standard product fee, not the S&L fee. S&L fees, when applicable, will be charged instead when an order is placed.
    • Hover on fee value for breakdown
  • Commission
    • Previously part of the FBA fees.
    • It is the commission deducted by amazon as a referral fee.
  • B/E Price
    • The Break-Even price of the product is calculated as (Product COGS + Product FBA Fee – Referral Fee) / (1 – Referral Percentage).
    • Hover on B/E value for breakdown.
  •  VAT Percentage
    • The VAT percentage for this product as of today is based on your specifications in Settings->Europe VAT for the marketplace-related or product-related settings.
    • Hover on VAT value to see the percentage.
    • For more information on VAT see here
  • Internal VAT/Tax
    • For the US, the amount of tax is calculated by Amazon.
    • For Europe, the amount of VAT is either calculated by Amazon (if you have subscribed to Amazon s VAT collection or VAT billing service) or by SellerLegend (based on VAT parameters set in Product VAT settings).
    • If calculated by SellerLegend, hover on the value to see the breakdown.
  • Net Profit
    • The Net Profit for this product.
    • Hover on Net Profit value to see the breakdown.
  • ROI
    • Return On Investment.
    • Calculated as Net Profit / Costs * 100.
    • You can customize what constitutes Profit and Costs.
    • Click on the Settings Panel Button (on the right) -> Edit ROI formula and define YOUR preferred method to calculate ROI.
  • Margin
    • The Margin for this product, calculated as Net Profit / Product Offer Price) * 100.
    • Hover on the Margin value to see the breakdown.
  • Open Date
    • Received from Amazon.
    • It’s intended to be the date when the product was first listed on Amazon.
    • Amazon may update it, for instance, when a product is activated after a period of time.
  • Hidden
    • If the product is hidden in the system or not.
    • Do note hidden products are considered inactive and are not updated in the system
  • Internal Name
  • Active Flag
    • A flag to indicate whether the product is Active (Green) or Inactive (Red)
  • Brand
    • The product’s Brand as specified on the Amazon listing
  • Condition
    • The condition of your product as specified on the Amazon listing (New, Used)
  • Fulfillment Channel
    • Whether the product is fulfilled by Amazon or by the Merchant
  • COGS (Cost Of Goods)
    • The currently applicable COGS for the product
    • If the COGS field is not empty and shows a blue hyperlink, clicking on the link will take you to the COGS Entry screen
    • If the COGS field is empty, a COGS can be assigned to the product by clicking on the Actions button and selecting Enter Cost Of Goods
    • Learn how to Assign COGS To Products
  • Price
    • The Price as specified on the Amazon listing details
    • Note the Last Updated mention next to the screen name to determine how recent the price observation is
  • Buy Box
    • The latest observed buy box price
    • Refer to the Last Updated mention next to the screen title to determine how recent the buy box observation is
  • Holds Buy Box 
    • A flag that shows if the product holds a buy box or not
  • Sales Rank (BSR)
    • The latest sales rank for the product
  • Internal Price
    • The Internal Price feature allows users to set up automatic internal pricing for non-Amazon orders at the product level. This can be configured through the new settings page, accessible via the product settings modal or through a product setting bulk upload process.
    • Once an internal price is set for a product, it can be activated by account-level settings. When enabled, all non-Amazon orders containing products with updated internal prices will use these prices automatically.
  • Tags
    • Any Tags you have assigned to the product pertaining to this order
    • By using the Filters or the Omni-Search bar, this allows you to quickly view all the products featuring the same Tag(s)
    • Learn how to Assign Tags To Products.
  • Manufacturer
    • It is an editable column that allows the user to enter the manufacturer’s name
    • You can edit this column by double-clicking on it,
    • If data for this column is retrieved from Amazon, it will take precedence over the user-editable entry.
    • it can also be edited from the product modal
    • Learn how to edit in Product Modal here

Other Hidden Columns

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