How Do I Bulk-Download/Upload Product Settings For All My Products?

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  • How Do I Bulk-Download/Upload Product Settings For All My Products?

Recommended Process For Product Settings Bulk Upload

  • Do you have 1,000’s of products and dread having to use the SellerLegend User Interface to tediously add product settings to each product individually?
  • Fear not, help is at hand!
  • Detailed instructions follow later, but here’s a short summary of the process we suggest you use to bulk-manage Product Settings:
    • Select the Marketplace you want to work in (Product Settings bulk management needs to be repeated once per Marketplace)
    • Download your Product Settings onto an Excel spreadsheet using the specialized Reports Button provided
      • Please follow the steps to download the product settings file.
        • STEP 1: Click on the Reports button.

        • STEP 2: On the resulting panel, select the report type, from the downloads section, which here, in this case, is PRODUCT SETTINGS
        • STEP 3: Choose the account for which you want to download and edit the product settings for
        • STEP 4: Check the box if you do not want to include hidden/ignored products.
        • STEP 5: Click on the download button.

    • Open the downloaded file in Excel or other application which can read and update Excel files
    • Observe the sequence and structure of the downloaded file and read the rest of this article to gain a better understanding
    • In Excel or alike, amend/add/delete the Product Settings entries for any product you wish to update
    • Upload your modified Product Settings Excel file onto SellerLegend using the specialized Reports Button provided
      • Please follow the steps to download the product settings file.
        • STEP 1: Click on the Reports button.

        • STEP 2: On the resulting panel, select the report type from the uploads section, which here, in this case, is PRODUCT SETTINGS
        • STEP 3: Choose the account for which you want to upload the file
        • STEP 4: Choose the file you want to upload
        • STEP 5: Click on the upload button


    • Check for Upload error messages, if any
    • Correct the errors in the Excel file
    • Repeat the last 3 steps above (Upload, Check, Correct) until the Product Settings upload is accepted without any errors
    • Spot check the outcome by verifying on SellerLegend a sample of the products you modified with the bulk Product Settings management process

The Bulk Upload Excel File Format And Rules

  • You now know we will be using an Excel file to manage Product Settings. Let’s get the file format and rules explained first.
  • Do not attempt to follow this discussion unless you have mastered how Product Settings works in SellerLegend.
  • Please read the following articles first and familiarize yourself with the Product Settings management in SellerLegend
  • The Excel File Fields
    • Every row of the Excel file must respect the following format
    • The Excel file format includes the Product SKU field from the Cost-Of-Goods Period as well as fields from the Cost Element
Field Excel File Header Title Notes 
Product SKU product_sku Mandatory – must be an existing SKU
Product ASIN asin Optional – for reference only, not used
Product Internal Name internal-name Optional – Will create an Internal Name if none exists
Product Group product_group Optional – Will create a Product Group if none exists
Tags tags Optional – Will create a Tag if none exists. Multiple tags can be separated by a comma
Stockout Notification Flag notify_stockout Optional – 1 = notify, 0 = do not notify
Non-Sellable Returns Notification accept_returns Optional – 1 = notify, 0 = do not notify
Hide Product hide Optional – 1 = hide, 0 = do not hide
Stockout Alert Days alert_days Mandatory – a positive integer number
Stockout Alert Units alert_units Mandatory – a positive integer number
Restock Lead Time restock_lead_time Mandatory – a positive integer number
Stock Days Of Cover days_of_cover Mandatory – a positive integer number
Safety Days safety_days Mandatory – a positive integer number
Minimum Order Quantity moq Mandatory – a positive integer number
Number Of Units In Transit in_transit Mandatory – a positive integer number
Number of Units In Warehouse in-warehouse-qty Mandatory – a positive integer number
Crate Quantity in Units crate_quantity Mandatory – a positive integer number
Sales Velocity Used To Calculate Reorder Date/Quantity sale_velocity_days Mandatory – A value from the following list: 7_days, 14_days, 30_days, 90_days, 180_days, 360_days
Crate Quantity Behaviour crate_behaviour Mandatory – A value from the following list: Round up, Round down
Discount Threshold Percentage discount_threshold Mandatory – a decimal number expressing a percentage: for example 0.5 = 50%
Order Excessive Quantity Threshold excessive_quantity_threshold Mandatory – a currency amount
Natural Daily Sales Velocity natural_daily_sales_velocity Mandatory – a decimal number, e.g. 12.34
FBM Shipping Cost shipping_cost Optional – a currency amount
Miscellaneous Cost miscellaneous_costs Optional – a currency amount
Internal Price Internal Price Optional – a currency amount
  •  The Excel File Rules
    • Upon download, the file will contain the current settings values for each of your products
    • If this is the first time you download the product settings file, the settings will show the default values for each setting
    • All your products will be included in the Excel file, including Hidden Products and Inactive Products
    • When new products are added, a new row will materialize in the spreadsheet to reflect the newly added product
    • The Excel file must have a header row with the column titles as per the above table

Product Settings Bulk Upload Process Details

  • Read the following articles and familiarize yourself with the Product Settings management in SellerLegend
  • Once you understand how Product Settings works, select the Marketplace you want to manage Product Settings for from the Marketplace Selector
  • Go to the menu and select Products –> Products list
  • Click on the Report Button (Refer to the screenshots above)
  • Under the download section of the resulting panel, choose the account you wish to Download Product Settings for
  • Check the dialogue box if you don’t want to download hidden/ignored products.
  • Click on the Download button
  • You will see a popup screen saying ‘A Request Has Been Submitted’
  • On the Menu, click on Reports –> Downloaded Reports
  • In the resulting list of reports, locate the report type Product Settings with the Request Made date corresponding to the time you requested the download which matches the file name which you have just uploaded
  • When the Status column shows DONE, click on the blue Download button
  • This will produce an Excel file with all your products and their current Product Settings
    • Open the file in Excel, or any other software you use
    • Amend the Product Settings details in the file according to your needs
    • Save the updated file.
  • On the Menu, go back to Products –> Products List
  • Click on the Reports (Refer to the screenshots above)
  • Under the upload section choose the account you wish to Upload Product Settings for
  • Choose the file you wish to upload
  • Click on the Upload button
  • Once the upload is completed, on the Menu, go to Reports –> Uploaded Reports
  • Check the outcome of your upload:
    • If the Request Completed column shows DONE, the Excel file was uploaded without errors
    • If the Request Completed column shows DONE_WITH_WARNINGS the Excel file contained errors
      •  Click on the Download button and open the downloaded Excel file.
        • Erroneous settings definitions will show in red. To find out why the data is erroneous, hover on each of the fields and the erroneous fields will show an Excel comment with the appropriate error message.
        • Correct the errors in the Excel file you are viewing
        • Once all errors have been corrected, save the Excel file
      • Repeat the Upload process with the Excel file you have just saved
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