

Behavior Change to the “Hidden” Filter on Orders Screen

  • A filter was recently added on the Orders screen to allow orders for hidden products to be ignored and not shown
  • The filter was on by default and could be removed if required, by setting the filter value to No
  • However, the filter setting was reset to on each new invocation of the Orders screen
  • The filter status has now made persistent (made ‘sticky’)
  • Once removed, the filter is no longer reset after the Orders screen refreshes.

ASIN Hyperlink in Downloaded Reports

  • ASINs in all screens are hyperlinked to relevant Amazon listings, whereas in downloaded reports, the ASINs were plain text.
  • In the downloaded reports, ASINs are now equally hyperlinked to their corresponding Amazon listings


Edited Options in P&L VAT/Tax Settings

  • The options under Tax/VAT settings in the P&L report were confusing to the users.
  • The descriptions of the options have now been edited and linked to a new KB article for further explanation.


Query Strings to Filter Inventory

  • For those of you requiring external integrations, the Inventory screen can now be filtered using query strings in the URL
  • A limited set of parameters can be used, which are: SKU, ASIN, FNSKU, Internal Name, and Title.
  • Here is an example of such a query string:


Account-Specific Watchlist Reasons

  • Watchlist Reasons were user-specific.
  • The user who created them was the only one able to see and assign these Watchlist Reasons.
  • That is, no other user in the same account could see Watchlist reasons set by another user.
  • Watchlist Reasons are now account-specific, and so users in the same account can all see all Watchlist Reasons


Bug Fixes


  • The CheckBox filters on the Manage Refunds Reimbursements screen were not working properly.
    • Checking only the “Eligible” filter would still cause “Complete” reimbursements to show.
    • This has now been fixed.
  • On the inventory screen, Crate Behavior One of [Round Up] filter would apply by default.
    • Once dismissed, the filter would come back up after refreshing the screen.
    • This was causing the inventory screen to filter out a number of products.
    • This has since been fixed.
  • On the Promotions widget, clicking on the number of orders against coupons should redirect the user to a screen showing the said orders.
    • However, in certain circumstances, after clicking on the number of orders against certain specific coupon codes, no orders were actually being shown despite the number being non-zero.
    • This has now been fixed.
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