The Refunds Manager Settings Panel

How To Get Here?

  • From the Menu
    • Refunds Manager–> Manage Refunds Reimbursements
      • Click on the Refund Settings button the upper right side of the screen

What is it for?

  • To set refunds case wording to be included in the SellerCentral reimbursement tickets
  • To set a number of cases per submission

Hints And Tips!

Screen Print


(*) denotes features not yet implemented at the time of writing

  • Order Refunds Reimbursement Template
    • A free form text which will be added as case wording and precede the reimbursement request case instances
  • Number of Items Per Subscription
    • An arbitrary number which will restrict the number of entries in each submission case

Other Hidden Columns

  • N/A

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