Obtaining SellerLegend Labs Access
- Some features of SellerLegend are still under observation and are found in a private area of the menu tree
- The collection of features under ‘observation’ is part of what we call SellerLegend Labs. When you get access to the labs, your menu will acquire links to those hidden features.
- Please remember that Labs features are early beta developments and are not certified for prime time viewing.
- We welcome your bug reports and enhancement requests on our Support Channels.
- There is no guarantee that Labs features will ever make it into the live production site.
- Labs features can be withdrawn at any time without notice.
How Do I Become a Labs Member and Unlock New Features Being Tested
- Click on the account profile icon
at the bottom left of your screen
- On the drop-down menu, select Request Labs Membership
- Please read the disclaimer notice and decide whether you want to join
- There is no cost associated with the Labs membership
- Upon acceptance of the disclaimer, your menu will show additional links and some buttons will get additional context menus as well
- At the time of this writing, these are the features in SellerLegend Labs
- Comparison Engine
- Customer Cross-Sell Screen
- Profit Calculator
Please see screenshot below: